The life I'm leading these days is not how I would have planned it. Even so, lately I've been thinking about some of the ones I've hung out with or worked with in the past.
The ones I'm remembering were in their early to mid-twenties when I met them, and they've since moved on to different jobs and/or different towns and cities.
At some point, I've ran into these guys again or seen their FB pages, and it's dawned on me that, in some cases, it's likely that at this point in their lives they might not have been as hopeful or have been posting certain artistic or spiritually related things to social media if I had never met them, or if I had been too timid to share my thoughts on life and such things.
With new acquaintances, I continually try to relate my own failures and hardships to things they're going through and how I overcame those things. I also try to remove possible preconceived notions they may have about Christianity's being judgmental, reserved, unrealistic, or unattainable all while standing firm upon the principles I know to be right and true.
I'm in no way trying to brag on myself, because I know I'll always be a work in progress, and I give God all the glory. I've just come to the place where I'm realizing that wherever I am in life is where I'm supposed to be, as long as I trust in the Lord to lead me on.
When you're willing to simply live life that way, and you can then see positive influences you've had on others as a result, it's a feeling that can't be matched, and I highly recommend it.
I'm now just glad that I'm not the final authority when it comes to the direction of my life.