We now have a visible and consistent pattern of behavior from the speaker of flip-flopping on the issues and inevitably siding with Obama and his liberal lawmakers on key bills and issues.
Early on in his speakership, I was inclined to give John Boehner the benefit of the doubt, assuming that my then-more demanding conservative peers were simply too quick to condemn him.
Maybe it was his copious production of tears, his emotional rags to riches story, or his formerly more consistent tough language on the House floor that once convinced me of his overall commitment to conservative values. I’m not entirely sure.
Along with a growing number of others, though, those days are over for me. We now have a visible and consistent pattern of behavior from the speaker of flip-flopping on the issues and inevitably siding with Obama and his liberal lawmakers on key bills and issues.
In each instance, Boehner and other establishment Republican leaders have volunteered to do most or all of the compromising, with the left-wing laughing all the way to the bank as they watch the Republicans’ own speaker selling out the party at the expense of the conservative base that first placed him in his position of power.
Many of these shady deals have been carried out privately, behind closed doors, revealing him and his cohorts as the cowards they truly are.
One such example is their treatment of Rep. Thomas Massie’s amendment to block the NSA’s unconstitutional spying on private American citizens.
Speaker Boehner cut a backroom deal to ensure the amendment never became law.
Although Boehner was recently awarded a third term as Speaker of the House, it was narrowly won with 216 votes.
Republicans needed 29 “no” votes to defeat Boehner, and the House vote closed with 24 defectors and one “present” vote.
Although his closest rival, former speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) received 164 votes, 13 others received a handful of votes, including Rep. Daniel Webster of Florida, Rep. Louie Gohmert of Texas, and Rep. Ted Yoho of Florida, all of whom voted against Boehner as speaker.
Less than a month before this vote was cast, Boehner disrespected the voters who had first awarded him the historic House majority by pushing and endorsing the “Cromnibus” bill that fully funded both Obamacare and Obama-Amnesty.
Two days after his re-election, at a Washington press conference crowded with leftist reporters, Boehner stated, “It does pain me to be described as spineless or a squish,” and “I’ll tell you what pains me the most is when they described me as the establishment. I am the most anti-establishment speaker we’ve ever had.”
In an apparent effort to momentarily back up these unfounded claims, Boehner took to the House floor on January 14 in defense of the House Homeland Security bill that defunds Obama’s recent Executive Amnesty.
The good book says that “For where you treasure is, there will your heart be also”; and, well then, in that case, Boehner’s already shown us where his heart is on this and many other issues. He hasn’t put his money where his mouth is.
There will no doubt be those who are convinced that Boehner’s finally taken the hint from his constituents in Ohio and across the nation, as well as from the dissenters in his party; but with a spine such as his, there should also remain little realistic doubt that he will slide off onto the wrong side of the fence again someday soon.
Read more at http://www.westernjournalism.com/fence-riding-proves-difficult-spineless-boehner/#fAu0yDisFgygO7Pw.99
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