Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Who Can Win? We’ll Be The Judge Of That

Albert H. Teich / Shutterstock.com  Albert H. Teich / Shutterstock.com
Throughout at least the past three consecutive extended presidential campaigns and election cycles, the majority of related TV news and commentary has continually played an unethical role with voters that has shirked its responsibility in honestly vetting candidates.
Personalities across the spectrum of all media, to varying degrees, have repeatedly assumed the role of deciding for prospective voters of their audience who can and cannot win presidential elections, especially for those running as Republicans.
Yes, even some Fox News commentators have been among these voices. It seems to have become quite predictable for viewers and listeners that when you hear a line such as “This is the candidate with the best chance of winning the presidency,” it is used to describe the prospective candidate with the least in common with the conservative Republican base.
This phenomenon (already unethical) has also become so one-sided that it is as if a long-term dirty pact has been made among weak Republican candidates, the media, and the Democrat party–that would appear to be fully funded by the latter.
The still relatively new (yet already tired) concept is that, among modern American Republican voters, the only viable candidates with a shot at the presidency are those who have at least partially aligned themselves with the Democrat platform.
Those in the media’s trusting audience who have taken this advice with them to the polls have shown that this concept is 50% effective.
Their influence has successfully helped to determine the Republican presidential nominees. It has not, though, ever won a single general election for president throughout this dangerous experiment, as of yet.
Thus, all conservative and Republican voters have been left with the choice between a weak Republican candidate and not voting at all.
Independents, moderates, and blue-dog Democrats have been left with the choice between semi-liberal candidates and full-on liberal candidates.
These past general elections have proven that few voters throughout the political spectrum care much for indecisive leaders. Most folks would rather vote for someone who leans strongly toward their party’s platform as either liberal or conservative.
Even though the Republican establishment’s push of weak, moderate, fence-straddling candidates has never worked in a single general election, they keep on plugging away, trying the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.
I’ve heard that as a definition of insanity, and it seems as fitting in this case as any.
So, even though we’re still over a year away from the next presidential elections, the moves now being made by the Republican Party seem to be business as usual, yet again.
For a while, to the dismay of the conservative base, it seemed that we might have Mitt Romney as a choice that, at best, could have inevitably provided the clear choice against Jeb Bush, the liberal Republican the establishment continues to push upon us.
Now we’re left with a few others, thus far, to choose from. Among these are Marco Rubio, an overall pleasingly conservative candidate, but one who is weak on illegal immigration; Rand Paul, a reform-minded conservative, but one who is a bit scary to the base on foreign relations and national security issues; Mike Huckabee, who is very articulate with the conservative message but scares some away who view him as too populist; and possibly Ben Carson, an energizing conservative figure, but one who is weak on gun rights issues.
Standing head and shoulders above the rest, with all considerations toward his constitutional eligibility aside, is Senator Ted Cruz–but that’s a subject for another time.
Then, there’s Scott Walker, who is beginning to build upon the following he first created in his political career, as a charismatic figure who arguably presents the party’s platform as well or better than anyone we’ve seen in a long time. Although he has yet to prove himself to the conservative base as a leader who would tow the mark across the spectrum of issues that matter to them, time will tell if he can sell himself as such.
On a recent Fox News segment of The O’Reilly Factor, Bill O’Reilly commented that Marco Rubio would have to concede on the front of immigration in order to win the Hispanic vote–and thus have a good shot at the White House.
This is just the type of mindset that’s destroying the Republican Party, and frankly the country itself.
How long until we and our leaders as a majority finally learn the lesson taught by Ronald Reagan–that in order for the Republican Party to survive, we must present “bold colors, not pale pastels”?
We must give the people drastically different, clear choices at the ballot box because, to additionally quote country music legend Aaron Tippin, “you’ve got to stand for somethin’, or you’ll fall for anything.”

Read more at http://www.westernjournalism.com/can-win-well-judge/#wkqpZ3a6QBdKeuLQ.99

Monday, January 26, 2015

It's not all about politics. That's actually secondary.

The life I'm leading these days is not how I would have planned it. Even so, lately I've been thinking about some of the ones I've hung out with or worked with in the past.
The ones I'm remembering were in their early to mid-twenties when I met them, and they've since moved on to different jobs and/or different towns and cities.
At some point, I've ran into these guys again or seen their FB pages, and it's dawned on me that, in some cases, it's likely that at this point in their lives they might not have been as hopeful or have been posting certain artistic or spiritually related things to social media if I had never met them, or if I had been too timid to share my thoughts on life and such things.
With new acquaintances, I continually try to relate my own failures and hardships to things they're going through and how I overcame those things. I also try to remove possible preconceived notions they may have about Christianity's being judgmental, reserved, unrealistic, or unattainable all while standing firm upon the principles I know to be right and true.
I'm in no way trying to brag on myself, because I know I'll always be a work in progress, and I give God all the glory. I've just come to the place where I'm realizing that wherever I am in life is where I'm supposed to be, as long as I trust in the Lord to lead me on.
When you're willing to simply live life that way, and you can then see positive influences you've had on others as a result, it's a feeling that can't be matched, and I highly recommend it.
I'm now just glad that I'm not the final authority when it comes to the direction of my life.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Fence Riding Proves Difficult For Spineless Boehner

We now have a visible and consistent pattern of behavior from the speaker of flip-flopping on the issues and inevitably siding with Obama and his liberal lawmakers on key bills and issues.

Photo credit: Talk Radio News Service (Flickr)
Early on in his speakership, I was inclined to give John Boehner the benefit of the doubt, assuming that my then-more demanding conservative peers were simply too quick to condemn him.
Maybe it was his copious production of tears, his emotional rags to riches story, or his formerly more consistent tough language on the House floor that once convinced me of his overall commitment to conservative values. I’m not entirely sure.

Along with a growing number of others, though, those days are over for me. We now have a visible and consistent pattern of behavior from the speaker of flip-flopping on the issues and inevitably siding with Obama and his liberal lawmakers on key bills and issues.
In each instance, Boehner and other establishment Republican leaders have volunteered to do most or all of the compromising, with the left-wing laughing all the way to the bank as they watch the Republicans’ own speaker selling out the party at the expense of the conservative base that first placed him in his position of power.
Many of these shady deals have been carried out privately, behind closed doors, revealing him and his cohorts as the cowards they truly are.
One such example is their treatment of Rep. Thomas Massie’s amendment to block the NSA’s unconstitutional spying on private American citizens.

Speaker Boehner cut a backroom deal to ensure the amendment never became law.
Although Boehner was recently awarded a third term as Speaker of the House, it was narrowly won with 216 votes.
Republicans needed 29 “no” votes to defeat Boehner, and the House vote closed with 24 defectors and one “present” vote.
Although his closest rival, former speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) received 164 votes, 13 others received a handful of votes, including Rep. Daniel Webster of Florida, Rep. Louie Gohmert of Texas, and Rep. Ted Yoho of Florida, all of whom voted against Boehner as speaker.
Less than a month before this vote was cast, Boehner disrespected the voters who had first awarded him the historic House majority by pushing and endorsing the “Cromnibus” bill that fully funded both Obamacare and Obama-Amnesty.
Two days after his re-election, at a Washington press conference crowded with leftist reporters, Boehner stated, “It does pain me to be described as spineless or a squish,” and “I’ll tell you what pains me the most is when they described me as the establishment. I am the most anti-establishment speaker we’ve ever had.”
In an apparent effort to momentarily back up these unfounded claims, Boehner took to the House floor on January 14 in defense of the House Homeland Security bill that defunds Obama’s recent Executive Amnesty.
The good book says that “For where you treasure is, there will your heart be also”; and, well then, in that case, Boehner’s already shown us where his heart is on this and many other issues. He hasn’t put his money where his mouth is.
There will no doubt be those who are convinced that Boehner’s finally taken the hint from his constituents in Ohio and across the nation, as well as from the dissenters in his party; but with a spine such as his, there should also remain little realistic doubt that he will slide off onto the wrong side of the fence again someday soon.

Read more at http://www.westernjournalism.com/fence-riding-proves-difficult-spineless-boehner/#fAu0yDisFgygO7Pw.99